From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Instagram Stories: The basics

Instagram Stories: The basics - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Instagram Stories: The basics

- [Instructor] You know, one of the perils of recording a series like mobile photography weekly is that it's all too easy to not cover a specific app or a process because I think to myself, well, everybody already knows how to do that. But of course, that is not the case. We are all beginners at some point and so, this week we have an episode for those of you who are new to sharing images and videos with Instagram stories. Instagram stories are designed for you to post photos and short video clips in a sequential order over the course of a 24 hour period. The posts that you make will disappear from your story after 24 hours. But there is a way to make your stories available on your profile page after that time. And we'll take a look at that a bit later. So, in the Instagram home screen, you'll see that there's a series of circles up at the top. And those are Instagram stories that are posted by the people that you are…
