From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Creative image warping with Flexture

Creative image warping with Flexture - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Creative image warping with Flexture

- [Instructor] This week, we're going to venture into the realm of the surreal, and explore an app for iOS that offers multiple ways that you can bend images to create a folded landscape look, as well as other creative warp and distortion effects. The app is called Flexture and it's from Brain Fever Media. They make some really interesting special effects apps for iOS, and we've explored several of them on this series over the past few years. Let's dive into the app, and take it for a spin. I've already loaded a landscape image into the app. Now, in terms of the types of photos that work best for the basic Flexture effect, you want to have a horizontal view, and a wide angle view of either a landscape, or a cityscape. Now, even though those are the types of images that typically work well with some of the main Flexture effects, there are certainly other types of images that you can explore, and we'll turn our gaze in that…
