From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Portrait project: Opportunities

Portrait project: Opportunities - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Portrait project: Opportunities

- Hey, everybody, Sean here, and I'm in Nevada City, California, and on this episode of Mobile Photography Weekly, I want to talk about taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you for making photographs and practicing your craft, getting better at making photographs, because one of the best ways to become a better photographer is to just take pictures all the time, and that also includes making portraits. Now that may be be a little bit more difficult than if you're just photographing landscapes, or nature, or architecture, because you actually have to go and impose upon people and ask them, "Can I make your portrait? "Will you do this for me? "Let's try out some ideas." but if you're hangin' out with a group of friends, people you know, people you're comfortable with, take advantage of that opportunity and ask them if you can try out some portrait ideas and improve your photography. So I'm always hangin' out with the crew that films these Mobile Photography…
