From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Add realistic light rays

Add realistic light rays - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Add realistic light rays

- [Shawn] Hey, everybody, Shawn here. And this week on Mobile Photography Weekly we're gonna explore an app for Android and iOS called Rays, which, as the name suggests, let's you add realistic light rays into your images. Let's get started. So the controls in Rays are divided into three areas. We have Rays, we have Color, and we have Opacity. Just gonna set that back to Rays to start with. If you tap on the lightning bolt up at the top, that will turn the visibility of the Rays effect off or on again. And if you tap on the little slider button right next to it that will hide the controls. The two curved arrows up at the top there will reset the sliders to their default positions. So let's bring those controls back. And to use this all you have to do is drag on this little control point here and you can change the direction in the image from where the light appears to be emanating from. And it will be a little bit blurry as you're dragging it around, but then once you let go it'll…
