From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Small business profile, part 1

Small business profile, part 1 - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Small business profile, part 1

- Hey there, Sean Duggan here, and welcome to Mobile Photography Weekly. I'm at Make Local Habit in Nevada City, California, with Kiya Rios, one of the owners of the store. And the subject for this week's episode is something that's pretty common, I think, in this day of ubiquitous cell phones where everybody has a smartphone. And that is maybe you've been asked to create some photographs for a friend or a business. Maybe you work for the chamber of commerce or the local newspaper, and you've been asked to do a small business profile. So instead of just showing up to take the pictures, take some time to first get to know the space, get to know the business, and get to know the owner of the business to get a better sense of what type of pictures you might take, what their needs may be for taking the photographs, and that will end up in better images that you can use for your project. So Kiya, tell me a little bit about your business and your store. Obviously the name, Make Local Habit,…
