From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Horizontal or vertical?

Horizontal or vertical? - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Horizontal or vertical?

- Hey everybody, greetings from Nevada City, California. I'm Sean Duggan, and on this installment of Mobile Photography Weekly, I want to talk about one of the most fundamental composition decisions that you're faced with whenever you pick up your camera to take a shot. And that is are you going to do a vertical shot or a horizontal shot? So there's going to be some subjects that naturally lend themselves to a vertical composition, maybe because it's a person which has a more vertical shape or it's a building. And apropos buildings I was out here earlier photographing Firehouse No. 1, this is like one of the classic jewels of Nevada City Gold Rush architecture. This was a firehouse, it was in operation from 1861 to 1938, with hand-drawn carts, horse-drawn carts and motorized engines. And it's just a really beautiful building. So when I first came down the street my first instinct was to photograph it as a vertical just 'cause it is an obvious vertical shape. And I did that with both…
