From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Working with custom textures

Working with custom textures - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Working with custom textures

- Hey everybody, Sean here. And, in this movie I want to talk about adding textures to your images. But, I want to go beyond just kind of the basic canned textures that you find in certain apps. I want to talk about adding custom textures. So, the thing about adding textures to your photos that's almost over the years they've become almost a cliche look of some camera phone photographs. It's really popular to add a textured effect to images. But when you use an app that allows you to add textures in, those textures are downloaded with the app, so they're provided with the app. It's a, for want of a better word, a canned texture. And, sometimes if it's a really noticeable texture, has a recognizable pattern, you can see that in pictures that other people have made. So sometimes I'll see a picture that somebody else has posted and I think, oh yah, they added that texture in Snapseed because I recognize one of those textures. So, the thing about texture is that the world is full of…
