From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Create a custom watermark in Snapseed

Create a custom watermark in Snapseed - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Create a custom watermark in Snapseed

- [Sean] Hi, I'm Sean Duggan. And this week on Mobile Photography Weekly, I'll show you how you can make a custom watermark from your signature and easily apply it to a photo in Snapseed. There are a lot of different apps that let you watermark your photos, but the great thing about Snapseed is that it's free, it's available for both Android and iOS, and a lot of people already have it on their phones. Let's get started. The first step is to sign your name or make your mark, if it's something other than your name, using dark ink on a piece of white paper. And don't make it too large because if you want it to be smaller when placed on a photo, you want to have it somewhat small itself and surrounded by a lot of empty white space. And you can see here how my name compares to the size of the pen that I use, so it's not very large at all. Next, take a photo of this. Now, I just used my iPhone to do this. And I made…
