From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Checking image size

Checking image size

- [Instructor] One of the great things about processing photos in apps on our phones is that there are so many creative possibilities in terms of just how we can improve, enhance, and even transform our images. But one very important thing to keep in mind is that not all apps are created equal in terms of image size. This is not as much of a problem as it was back in the early days of camera phone apps, but if you're not careful, there are still some apps out there that may be exporting files at a significantly smaller pixel dimension than the photo that was captured by your phone's camera. For example, my current iPhone 11 Pro creates photos that are 4032 x 3024 pixels. If I choose to crop a photo to a square, that would make it 3024 x 3024 pixels. But I've run across some apps that will export an image that is much smaller than what is possible from my original camera file. For example, the Diana Photo app for iOS and…
