From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Mini ring light for selfies

Mini ring light for selfies - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Mini ring light for selfies

- Hey everybody Sean here and this week we're going to look at a piece of gear for mobile photography that I didn't even know existed it's a selfie ring light. Yes that really is a thing a selfie ring light. By the way rings lights are a common piece of photographic lighting gear that provide nice even light. And this one is so small because it's designed to clip onto your phone so you can use it for a selfie. So lets fire up the selfie camera here and do a couple of shots. We will do the first shot just kinda regular. and I can see as I look through this that I got some bright highlights here on this side of my face, the lights not very even. We'll just do a quick shot here. (shutter click) Alright that's a winner and lets just clip this one on here and you got to make sure that when you are clip it on that you are not covering up the front facing camera. And this has three brightness levels one, two, and three. We'll do it on one that's fine and right off the bat I can see that it…
