From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Filter stacking in Camera+

Filter stacking in Camera+ - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Filter stacking in Camera+

- This week on Mobile Photography Weekly, we're going to pay another visit to Camera Plus. A very versatile camera and processing app for iOS. Hi, I'm Sean Duggan. And in a previous episode, we took a look at some of the capabilities of the camera app part of Camera Plus. For this installment, we're going to look at some of the cool editing functionality including the ability to stack filters and then revisit your edits at a later time. So I'll go into Camera Plus here, and it takes me into the camera part first. What I'm going to do right off the bat is go into the settings. So I'll tap, on the little Menu icon down in the lower right. And there's a couple of settings that I want to point out here. So, first we have the Camera Settings and then down here we have the General Settings. So first I'm going to go into the Workflow, and right now I'm set to Classic, which that just allows me to shoot photos and then later edit them or share them whenever I want to. However, if you want a…
