From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Hand-color images with Procreate

Hand-color images with Procreate - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Hand-color images with Procreate

- Hey everybody, Sean Duggan here. Welcome back to Mobile Photography Weekly. I'm at the LeAnn Brook Fine Art gallery in Nevada City, California and LeAnn has graciously offered me the use of her studio so I could do some work on my iPad here. So this week what I want to talk about is creating a classic, hand-tinted, or hand-colored photographic effect and doing it on the iPad. Now hand-tinting and hand-coloring images has been around almost as long as photography itself, back in the old analog days it was accomplished by actually applying semi-translucent paints to an actual photographic print. We're going to use an app on the iPad called Procreate that is designed mainly for sketching, and painting, and illustration but you can also use it for photographs as well. I'm going to be working with my Apple Pencil because it's pressure sensitive and we'll see how that ties into how we can use it when we're adding color. All right, now instead of adding a new canvas, a blank canvas here…
