From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Portrait project: Backlighting

Portrait project: Backlighting - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Portrait project: Backlighting

Hey everybody, Sean Duggan here. I'm at the Inn Town Campground in beautiful Nevada City, California and I want to share some tips about taking advantage of backlighting for a portrait situation. So backlighting is kind of of tricky because oftentimes is going to create lens flare, it might be difficult to get the exposure right. But there are some definite advantages to backlighting. When the light is really bright out you don't have to worry about your subject facing into the sun and squinting. They're facing away from the sun so we have nice even shade on her face here. And the other cool thing about backlight is if you get your subject positioned just right you get some nice rim lighting and backlighting on the hair which can look really attractive. So right now I don't have good backlight 'cause the sun is moving. It's pesky how it does that, you know. It's kind of moving across the sky. If you could step back a little bit. And then just watch your subject and you can see the…
