From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Make a slideshow movie in Google Photos

Make a slideshow movie in Google Photos - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Make a slideshow movie in Google Photos

- [Instructor] Hey everyone, Sean Duggan here, and welcome back to Mobile Photography Weekly. You know, this year, I have taken several road trips and, of course, I've also taken a lot of photos while on those trips. I wanted to find ways to easily compile some of the highlights of these trips into a short video without getting bogged down in a major editing process on my computer. One of the techniques that I took advantage of is a feature in Google Photos for Android, taking an album of images and exporting it into a video slideshow that I could then integrate into my main video project. Let's check it out. Google Photos is available for both Android and iOS, but unfortunately, the technique I'm going to show you today only works in the Android version of the app. Hopefully this functionality will be added to the iOS version in the future. I'll show you how to do, essentially, the same thing using the iOS Photos app in a…
