From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Look for the abstract view

Look for the abstract view - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Look for the abstract view

- Hey, everybody, Sean Duggan here. Welcome back to Mobile Photography Weekly. This week, we're gonna be talking about finding the abstract view. You know, one of the things that I like about abstract photography is that it really is almost like a treasure hunt because with abstract photographs, you're not necessarily photographing the entire object, you're not photographing the thing for what it is, you're zooming in closer, (camera shutter clicking) you're finding different angles, different perspectives, to portray different aspects of that object or that subject to create something (camera shutter clicking) that is more abstract, that is separated from the normal way you might view it. One of the easiest ways to start to pursue abstract photography is to look closer. Don't try to photograph the entire object, just get in for a close view. (camera shutter clicking) So, this shot here of this ram's skull that's encrusted with stones, it looks really cool in and of itself, but, by…
