From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Image editing with VSCO

Image editing with VSCO - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Image editing with VSCO

- Hi, I'm Seán Duggan and on this episode of Mobile Photography Weekly, we're going to take a look at the VSCO app for both iOS and Android. VSCO, which stands for Visual Supply Company, offers a mobile photography ecosystem that includes a camera, image processing, and a wide range of presets, as well as an extensive community of photographers that share their work on the VSCO platform. So, when you first open the VSCO app, you're taken to the gallery view. Which is where you see the VSCO photo stream as it were. And you can see work that you may have posted, or that other photographers have posted. So, these are some black and white images that I recently put up. And, you also might find curated collections of images put together by the VSCO team, or community spotlight. So, for instance here's some pictures from the Adriatic Coast by another VSCO member. So, a lot of interesting pictures here. It definitely is more of a fine art and journalism approach to images. You can discover a…
