From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Use the navigation pane to organize docs

Use the navigation pane to organize docs

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Use the navigation pane to organize docs

- [Instructor] In this week's Word tip, we're going to explore the navigation pane. Which can be used to, yes, navigate your document. You can go from section to section, page to page. You can search for things with the navigation pane. But you can also reorganize your document quickly and easily using the navigation pane. And we're going to do that with this file. Best of Landon Hotel guide zero one five. You'll find this in the exercise files if you have them. And if you don't, try following along with one of your own files. Notice, this one's eight pages. You'll need a multi page document. And as we scroll past the cover page and the table of contents, you can see we actually have some images and headings. Headings are very important when navigating your document. You'll notice the little arrows next to them allow you to collapse and expand the different sections under those headings which allows you to focus on specific areas. That's great in your document. But they're also used…
