From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Improve your reading experience with Learning Tools

Improve your reading experience with Learning Tools

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Improve your reading experience with Learning Tools

- [Instructor] If you want to improve your reading skill, stay more focused on what you're reading, and get help with the pronunciation of words, maybe learn how to read more quickly with more accuracy, and even understand what you read, there are a number of tools built in to Word to help you with that. They're called Learning Tools, and you can work with any document, including the one that I'm working with here from the exercise files, Tech Connect099. We'll start by going to the View tab up here on the ribbon, and in here, we find an Immersive group containing one single button, Learning Tools. This is what we call immersive editing. Yes, you can still edit your document. Just keep in mind that what you see on your screen is not necessarily what you might end up printing, for example. So as you can see from the little popup here, you can improve reading skills, adjust how text is displayed, makes it easier to read, even have the text read aloud to you. That's where the…
