From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Crop an image in a Word document

Crop an image in a Word document

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Crop an image in a Word document

- [Instructor] It wasn't that long ago when if you needed to use images in your Word document and you needed to make changes to those images, you would have to take them out into another application to make the adjustments and bring them back into Microsoft Word. Well, Word has a lot of built-in functionality to help with editing images such as cropping. That's the topic of this week's weekly Word tip. We're going to work with this file Press_release036. Here on this first page, you can see there is an image taking up quite a bit of space and perhaps it would be nice to crop out some of this, some of the image that we don't really need to see, make it a thinner image. We could even crop it into a shape. So, how do we do that? Well, first we need to select the image so go ahead and click the image on the page. Next, you'll notice picture tools appears up here above the ribbon with a format tab just below it. Click format. Now go over to the right-hand side of the ribbon. You'll see…
