From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Create and share documents online

Create and share documents online

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Create and share documents online

- [David] In this week's work tip, I'm going to show you exactly how easy it is to share a Word document with others, allowing them to view or even edit the file, not a copy of the file like you'd send via email in an attachment, but the actual file, all for free using your free Windows and Microsoft account. As you can see, I've gone to my browser, Now the user interface is always changing. Yours may look different than mine, but somewhere you should be able to find a sign-in link. Clicking there allows you to sign in with a Microsoft account. If you have one already and you've done this before, it might show up on the list, like my old Hotmail account. Otherwise, you can use another account and just simply type it in. I typed in my Hotmail account the first time I had to do that, now it shows up on my list. Clicking it now will redirect you, where you may be prompted to provide a password for your Hotmail account, your Windows Live, account. And when you sign…
