From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Strip formatting from text

Strip formatting from text

- [Instructor] When working with existing documents, especially documents that have been shared with you, it may be difficult to determine the formatting that's been applied, and perhaps you'd like to remove formatting altogether, so on this week's Word tip, we're going to explore a couple of keyboard shortcuts that will save you a lot of time, a lot of effort when it comes to removing formatting from text. We're going to work with this document, Tech Connect093. If you have the exercise files, open it up. You can work with one of your own documents as well if you like. Notice down below we have a couple of paragraphs, and this second paragraph has all kinds of formatting applied to it, not just character formatting like bold, italics, underlining, you can see that this paragraph is also out of line. You can see that each line appears to be centered, but everything's indented. So, we can click anywhere in this paragraph to get an idea. Let's go up to the ribbon, look at Font. Bold…
