From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Tailor your Recent Documents list

Tailor your Recent Documents list

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Tailor your Recent Documents list

- [Instructor] If you have certain Word documents you like to work on on a regular basis, you want to have quick and easy access to those files without having to remember where you stored them or what you named them. That's where the Recent List comes in very handy but most people don't realize the Recent List is fully customizable. So, we're going to spend some time with the Recent List in this week's Word Tip. Really doesn't matter if you have a file open or what that file is, we're going to go directly to the File tab up here on the top left corner. Next, when we go to open, you'll see Recent at the top highlighted and a list of recent documents showing up over here on the right-hand side. They're listed in chronological order from the one you accessed most recently to the oldest. However, you may have files that are pinned. Notice I have a pinned category up here and as I look to the right, there appears to be a push pin and you can see it's set vertically. That means that this…
