From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Create return address labels

Create return address labels

- [Instructor] If you send out mail the old fashioned way, you know it's important to have a return address in the top-left corner of your envelope. You may write those out or perhaps you print them on envelopes. But what if your printer doesn't take a certain size envelope? Or the envelope's pre-addressed, for example? In that case, you might wanna have a sheet of return address labels ready to go. In this week's Word tip, we're going to print out a full sheet of return address labels using the fastest and easiest method. You can see I have a new blank document in front of me. You can do the same. Next, we're going to go up to Mailings. Now, before we start clicking and typing, the first thing you'll wanna do is a little bit of research on the label you're going to work with. Go to one of the stores that sells labels or go online and research labels. Order some, so you know you have the vendor and the product number that's going to match up with the options we see here in Microsoft…
