From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Save time with Quick Parts

Save time with Quick Parts

- [Instructor] In this week's Word tip, we're going to dive deeper into a time-saving feature that really helps when creating documents that are similar in nature. For example, if on a monthly basis, you're creating a press release, like the document I have in front of me here, which you'll find in the exercise files if you have them, press release 058. All we're going to do is change up the content a little bit. But there are parts of this document that we'll want to reuse. And instead of recreating them repeatedly, we can create something quick parts, place them in the quick parts gallery for easy and fast access. So let's do that. For example, we're always going to have for immediate release showing up here. This is something we might want to save. So instead of having to type it in each time and format it the way we see, we can select it and save it as a quick part. So let's go ahead and select it including the extra space we see at the end, that's the return. Next we'll go up to…
