From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Control content with margins

Control content with margins

- [Instructor] In this week's Word Tip we're going to explore the effective use of margins in your Word documents. Margins are the spaces that we see at the top, bottom, left and right hand side on every page in our document, allows us to choose exactly where content's going to appear on the page, and we can change our margins for a whole document, but we can also change margins for parts of your document, if you wanted to change the look and feel, even the flow of the document, things we're going to do in this movie. We're going to work with this file, Press_release011. You can open it up from the exercise files or try following along with one of your own documents. Let's take a look first of all at what we have. Looking at this document with the logo, The Landon Hotel at the top, there doesn't appear to be a lot of space between the top of the page and my logo. So at first glance, you might think not a very big top margin. Scrolling down you can see lots of space on the left and…
