From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Create a PDF version of your document

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Create a PDF version of your document

- [Instructor] When you want to share your Word document with others, but you don't want them to be able to edit the document, you might consider saving to a read-only format such as PDF, or portable document format. That's what we're going to explore in this week's Word Tip, and we're going to examine a number of different options that people often overlook. We're going to do it with this file, Best of Landon Hotel Guide 014. You can open it up from your Exercise Files if you have them. Or you can follow along with one of your own Word documents. Notice this one does have different fonts being used. There are images, a table of contents, also you'll see headings are being used, and that's important when saving to PDF, because we can choose to use them as bookmarks, to help people navigate our document a little bit easier. Things to keep in mind as we go up to the File tab, and select Save As. If you don't see this link yet, just click Browse down the left side. Now instead of…
