From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Save to .odt (OpenDocument Text)

Save to .odt (OpenDocument Text)

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Save to .odt (OpenDocument Text)

- [Instructor] In this week's Word tip, we're going to explore a document format not many people are aware of, but it can come in handy when you want to share your documents with others and you're not sure if they're using Microsoft Word at the other end. It's called ODT or Open Document Text. We're gonna start with this file, Press_release066. Notice the extension up here on my title bar, DOCX, that's the Word format. If I wanted to send this to someone and they're not using Word, they may not be able to open it, but there are formats we can save to that would allow them to open up this file. Some of the plain text formats, with the extension TXT or RTF, as in Rich Text Format, would allow them to read the text but some of the formatting may not appear the way it does here in our document. Another option is .ODT, Open Document Text. That format can be opened by pretty much every word processor, and for anyone who's using the open source software, like OpenOffice Writer for example, a…
