From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Ensure accessibility with the Accessibility Checker

Ensure accessibility with the Accessibility Checker

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Ensure accessibility with the Accessibility Checker

- [Instructor] Accessibility can be a very important factor when creating documents here in Word. You want to ensure that everyone's able to access the content in your document. So for those who are not able to see your content, they'll use screen readers which will read out content aloud. You want to make sure that your document is set up correctly for those screen readers. To help you is an Accessibility Checker which we're going to explore in this week's Word Tip. If you have the Exercise Files, open up Tech Connect098. You'll have what I have, a fairly long document, six pages, lots of text, images as well. When it comes to screen readers, they'll want to read out text but also describe images, so alternative text should be added to images. To see if we have any issues, we can activate the Accessibility Checker. But one thing that I like to do, and here's a little tip, is have it always running in the background and showing at the bottom here on the status bar. Just go down to…
