From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Create a form template from an existing document

Create a form template from an existing document

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Create a form template from an existing document

- [Instructor] In this week's Word tip, we're going to go through a real-life scenario that's quite common, where you would want to convert an existing document into a template. My scenario is helping out my wife, who's taking online courses, and is required to write up these reports on occasion. The reports have to be identical in their look and feel. So, after helping her the second time, recreate the formatting, the headers, the footers, et cetera, I thought it's time now to create a template so we never have to go through those steps again. We just simply add the content, which will be different from one report to the next. So, you may have a scenario like that. We're going to work with this document, though. Diabetes Assignment. Real document. And as you can see, there is a header up there with specific formatting, page numbering. On the title page, you can see certain information has to appear. And then, when we get to the second page, the header's different, and there is a…
