From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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- [Instructor] There's a feature here in Microsoft Word that's often overlooked, and that's what we're going to explore in this week's Word tip. It's comments. Now comments are often tied into tracking changes, so when you're collaborating with others on a document and changes are being made, comments can be added along the way. They can give instructions, recommendations, without actually making changes to the document. You can receive those instructions and recommendations in comments when you receive a document from someone else. And you can even make comments to yourself as you're working on a document. Let's take a look. We'll start with this file, LeafAndMortar Brochure 063, if you have the Exercise Files. You can work with your own files as well. Let's say we wanted to remind ourselves to grab some information from the website to put in the Who We Are section. So we can click right after Who we are, go up to the Review tab. This is where you'll find the Comments section. And…
