From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Use page breaks effectively

Use page breaks effectively

- [Narrator] In this week's Word tip, we're going to explore the effective use of page breaks in your Word documents. You already know when you're typing away in a document, you reach the end of a page, a new page is created for you so you can continue adding content. That's Word adding an automatic page break for you. But if the page break's not exactly where you'd like it to be, you can of course add your own manual page break. Of course, adding or removing content afterwards can cause things to go awry, so let's work with this document in your exercise files, Press Release 009. If you don't have the exercise files, try working with one of your own multi-page documents. As we scroll down page one and arrive at the bottom, we see a new paragraph here and then we arrive at page two, which happens to be the ideal spot. Things break off at the end of the paragraph, a new heading and section starts on the next page. How convenient. As we scroll a little further down to the bottom of page…
