From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Work with sections

Work with sections

- [Instructor] This week's work tip is all about using sections in your Word documents. When you have a document, especially a longer document here in Word, you may want to have different headers and footers appearing in different parts of your document. Or perhaps, you want to use a different page layout on selected pages in the same document. Well, to make any of that happen, you need to create sections, and that's what we're going to do with this document, called Best of Landon Hotel Guide 001. Check out the bottom left corner in the status bar, there are eight pages in this document. Not super long, but long enough to benefit from the use of sections. Check out page one, looks like a title page, indicating this month's issue is going to deal with three different Landon hotels, one in London, one in Paris, one in San Francisco. At the top of the page we see a logo. If we double-click up there in the header area, it opens up the header, displays it as just header, and there's the…
