From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Paste text without formatting

Paste text without formatting

- [Instructor] In this week's work tip I'd like to show you a time-saving feature when it comes to copying and pasting text from other sources. You've probably done this before, perhaps you have a document open, like this one, LeafAndMortar Brochure 043 if you have the Exercise Files, and you're creating this brochure, typing in content, but you know under Who we are here you already have that content somewhere else. Could be in another document or in another program, such as in a browser on a website. Let's launch our browser and go to We can click the About link here to see that indeed we have this content that we could use in our brochure. So typically you would select it by clicking and dragging, you can copy using Control + C or right-click and choose Copy from the popup menu, and then Alt + Tab back to your document. It's here where you want to paste it. Now if you go up to the Paste button and just click Paste or use the keyboard shortcut Control + V let's…
