From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Make a working copy of your document

Make a working copy of your document

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Make a working copy of your document

- [Instructor] Not many people are aware that there are a number of different ways to open a document here in Word. For example, you might want to work on a copy of an original document, so as not to make changes to it, but rather have a working copy. Or perhaps you just wanna open up a version of your document without making changes to it, make it read only, or protected. These are all options we're going to explore in this week's Word tip. As you can see, I have nothing open right now, we're gonna go up to the file tab and open up a document. Now you can use the exercise files like me, or you can work with your own document, but when you click browse to browse to the location of a file and select it, such at Tech Connect074, you'll notice down below there's an open button. Now double clicking's simply going to open up the file and you can start working on it, but if you go down to the open button arrow next to the open button, you'll see some different options, such as opening up a…
