From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Copy and paste multiple items at once

Copy and paste multiple items at once

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Copy and paste multiple items at once

- [Instructor] At some point or another most people have used the copy and paste functionality built into Microsoft Office. You may have content in one document you'd like copied into another so you don't have to recreate it. Well, there's also something many people don't know about it's called the Office clipboard. It's separate from the system clipboard we're used to using where we copy once and then paste, go back copy something else and paste it, knowing that the clipboard replaces the previous copy or cut with the most recent. Well, with the Office clipboard we can copy multiple things and then paste them all at once. You can save a lot of time and a lot of effort. That's what we're going to look at in this week's Word Tip, and we're going to start with a number of different documents. Press release 019 is the one we're creating. You can see up here we need to add the media contact information. Might be nice to have a graph in here showing how some of these values have gone up…
