From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Select objects hidden by other objects

Select objects hidden by other objects

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Select objects hidden by other objects

- [Narrator] Adding graphical elements to your Word documents can really make them stand out and become visually appealing to your readers. But when you start adding multiple elements, especially those that overlap one another, it can become difficult to select an object if it needs modification. That's what we're going to explore in this week's Word tip with this version of our Tech Connect document, Tech Connect092, if you have the exercise files. You'll see at the top here we have the title Tech Connect. And when we click inside, it's obviously a text box that's been used stretching all the way across the top of our page and overlapping the Red 30 logo we see in the background. So if we try to select that logo, maybe to make modifications to it, size it down, move it, we can't even select it. Click in the background, go to the logo itself and click. We're inside the text box. So it can become tricky when objects overlap like this. But there is something that not everyone is aware…
