From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Open and edit a PDF file in Word

Open and edit a PDF file in Word

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Open and edit a PDF file in Word

- [Instructor] You probably already know you can use Microsoft Word to save documents to PDF or portable document format. It's a read only format ideal for sharing documents with others where if you don't necessarily want them editing the document. Well did you know you can also use Microsoft Word to open and edit PDF files? That's what we're going to do in this week's Word tip. Can see I don't have anything open here, you can go to the file tab if you have the exercise files, from open, select browse to go to that folder, and you'll notice I have a couple of PDF files for you. Both of them with the zero six zero extension press release and flyer, both PDF files. We're going to start with press release. It's more text based and if you're going to be editing PDF files using Microsoft Word, this is the type of document I recommend working with. If you have documents containing a lot of graphics you can run into problems, we'll get to that a little bit later. Let's start with press…
