From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Save and share directly to Google Drive

Save and share directly to Google Drive

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Save and share directly to Google Drive

- This week's Word tip is for those who already use Google Drive, or would like to use Google Drive for Cloud storage in connection with the Microsoft Office apps, specifically Microsoft Word. Google Drive is free storage space, 15 gigabytes of free storage that comes with your Google account. You can always buy more, but it's a great place to backup your files, or store them there for sharing with others. The problem's always been getting direct access to it from within the Office apps like Microsoft Word. Now, there's a plug-in that you can install that makes it all so much easier. You can see I've Googled Google Drive plug-in for Office here in my Chrome browser and that takes me to a link. Clicking it takes me to this site, From here, we'll scroll down, you'll see a download button. If you're using the Edge browser, it might've already downloaded it and it's asking you to run it or save it. Different browsers work differently. Here in…
