From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Create a chart from an existing table

Create a chart from an existing table

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Create a chart from an existing table

- [Instructor] When you want to create a chart here in Microsoft Word, you can go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and select Chart. You get to choose the chart type and a spreadsheet opens up using the power of Excel where you'll input data or modify the sample data that shows up there but what happens if you already have the data in your document sitting in a table? There is another option and that is to create a chart from the table without having to do any cutting and pasting. So that's what we're going to do in this week's Word Tip with this file Landon Revenues 042. You can open that up from the exercise files or work with one of your own tables. In this case, it's a simple table, simple data. We don't need the power of Excel. So instead of going to the Insert tab and selecting Chart, we're going to move all the way over here to the right hand side in the Text area and we're going to select Object. Now, just before we do, we need to select the table and place our cursor where we…
