From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Save time with AutoCorrect

Save time with AutoCorrect

- [Tutor] Have you ever been typing away in a Word document and notice Word automatically making corrections for you on the fly? Maybe capitalizing words after a period, maybe replacing typos with the correct version of the word you're meant to type? These are all part of something called AutoCorrect. There are a number of options that can be turned on or off and we can even use it as a shortcut. Something we're going to explore in this weeks Word tip using this file Press_release017. If you don't have the exercise files, try one of your own files or even a blank document for that matter. We're going to test out AutoCorrect here. Let's click in front of Landon Hotel, right in front of the L. We're going to type in the word the, but we're going to make a typo; capital T e h, and hit the space bar. You can see it's automatically fixed for us. It's a common typo, replacing or mixing up the last two characters in a word like that. Word automatically goes to its list of AutoCorrect Options…
