From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Take control of white space

Take control of white space

- [Instructor] In this week's Word Tip, we're going to look at a feature that can help when scrolling through longer documents you might be reviewing or even editing. Sometimes when there's white space or headers and footers at the top and bottom of every page, scrolling through can start to become cumbersome and even jittery to look at it. Well, an option is to turn off something called white space. It'll hide your headers and footers so you can focus on the content on the page and scrolling through a longer document quickly. So there's a couple of ways to turn this on and off. First, you need to have a document open. And if you have the Exercise Files, open up Best of Landon Hotel Guide 057. You'll see what I see here. Notice we do have headers and footers showing up at the top and bottom of every page. Well, they're just taking up space that we don't need to see every time we go from one page to the next if we're reviewing or editing the content. So one option is to click the File…
