From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Choose how text gets pasted by default

Choose how text gets pasted by default

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Choose how text gets pasted by default

- [Instructor] If you've ever copied and pasted content from other sources into a Word document, you know there are options when it comes to pasting. You can use the source formatting, the target formatting. You can merge formatting. Well, if you're going to be copying and pasting from multiple sources and you find yourself constantly having to choose something other than the default, why not change the default to save yourself some time and effort? That's what we're going to explore in this week's Word Tip. We're gonna start with this document, Tech Connect073. You'll find that in your exercise files. And we'll just scroll down to the bottom where we see page two has its own heading about the Red30 Tech Conference. Now, we want to go and get information from a website. So if you want, launch your browser and you can go to this page under And you can see there is some information about the conference up here. It's formatted differently, so typically…
