From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Select arbitrary text

Select arbitrary text

- [Instructor] In this week's Word tip, I'd like to show you a little trick that could potentially save you a lot of time when it comes to selecting arbitrary content in your Word documents. I'm gonna work with this file, if you have the exercise files, open up LM_Estimate_070, and you'll have what I have, but you can work with your own documents as well. As you can see here, we have some items, descriptions, and prices, looks like columns, but they're not, they're just tabs in between. You can see a left aligned tab, a decimal tab, so if I wanted to, for example, bold the top line here, we already know we can click and drag across content, and when we go horizontally, we can even move down to select full lines of content if we wanted to. Another trick, just click anywhere in the background here, is to go into the left margin and click once, that'll select an entire line. And if we wanted to bold it, there's a pop up menu, you could use Ctrl + B, or go up to the ribbon if you prefer…
