From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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What is Visio 2016?

What is Visio 2016?

- Just before we start working with Visio, let's take a closer look at what Visio is and how people are using it. Simply put, Visio is a software application for creating diagrams. Now these diagrams, quite often, relate to data, and Visio can be used to create a way to visualize that data. Diagrams can be anything from simple flowcharts and floorplans to detailed network prototype and pivot diagrams. Because Visio comes with a large number of templates, built-in shapes, objects, and stencils, you can create very impressive diagrams quickly and easily. So, who's going to use an application like Visio? Well, Visio has typically been used by enterprise clients at the corporate level, and has been considered to be an application for creating serious diagrams. IT professionals might use it for networking diagrams. Space planners for floor plans. Graphic designers for a wide variety of diagrams like work charts, timelines, calendars, and more. Even engineers might use Visio to create…
