From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Publish a diagram to PDF

Publish a diagram to PDF

- If you wanted to share an electronic version of your diagram with someone, but they don't have Visio, one excellent option that's very popular is to convert it to PDF and then hand it off to them, even email it to them, all together in a group of steps that is automated for you. We're going to take a look at that now. So we're going to go up to File. Now earlier when we looked at the Print options, and we'll click Print now, we saw that we could choose Microsoft Print to PDF, and all this is going to do is allow us to save it as a PDF. That's the same as going to Save As, and from here using the Browse option, choosing a location like the Desktop, and then down below, the Save As Type, we can click there. Look at all the different types of files we can Save to, including, there it is, PDF, Portable Document Format, and people with the Adobe Reader, a free app that anyone can download from Adobe, will be able to view this electronic document as a Read-Only File. Now, I'm going to…
