From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Connect shapes manually

Connect shapes manually

- When you draw shapes in a Visio diagram, and you want them connected, we now know that we can go a shape and hover over those little arrows that appear around the outside, to select from our top four shapes. But sometimes we want to add shapes that aren't in the top four and when we do, we end up with shapes that are not connected and need to be connected manually. Like some of the shapes in our diagram here that we started a few movies ago. Alright, let's say we want to connect the top shape here, our start/end shape with our first process shape, and we don't want any of those four shapes that appear in our top four, at it. We just simply want to connect to existing shapes. Well, we change tools. From the Home tab on the ribbon, go to the Tools group and you'll see a Connector Tool. Give it a click and move your mouse around. You'll see that it's changed to a pointer with that little connection arrow and now when we hover over a shape, we're going to see something different. We're…
