From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Deal with text collisions

Deal with text collisions

- Well now that we feel comfortable adding milestones to our timeline, we're going to tackle a common issue, and that is when you start adding too many elements to a timeline, quite often text will collide with other text. So how do we handle these text collisions? That's what we're going to do with our LMS Transfer Project timeline. You can see I've added some more milestones. You probably did as well to yours. All we're going to do is add another one and we're going to create the issue of a text collision. Let's go to Line milestone. Click and drag it onto the timeline near another one. I'm going to go near this middle one here. And I'm going to drop it down on the timeline and release. I'm going to change the date to the Monday the 14th here. And the time's not important. The description, though, is going to be another one of these Advisory Panel Meetings. And the date format should match the others, so we'll select the long date format. Click ok. Well there's that issue. There's…
