From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Insert hyperlinks

Insert hyperlinks

- You can add hyperlinks to a Visio drawing to help people navigate to, say a website to a file that's stored locally or on a network in the Cloud or even simply to navigate to another page in the same drawing. Let's check it out now using our flowchart. We'll start by creating a typical hyperlink that takes people to a website. Let's zoom in to the bottom left corner of our screen. I'm going to click the zoom slider here to a 100% and scroll down so I can see the bottom left hand corner. Next to our logo here which appears in the background, let's add some text to the right. So we'll go up to the Insert tab. We'll insert a Text Box, a Horizontal Text Box. We'll give it a click and choose Horizontal. And now we'll just click and drag over here and you can click if you want just to add some text like Visit our website or Click here to visit our website. And so I'm going to type in. And all it is right now is text so we can click and drag it down here next to our logo in an appropriate…
