From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Create dotted line report indicators

Create dotted line report indicators

From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

Create dotted line report indicators

- On occasion in an organization, you may have someone reporting directly to their superior, but also indirectly reporting to someone else, a shared resource, if you will. In those cases, you can make use of the dotted-line report to show that connection as we're going to do right now with our org chart we've been building. Let's say our vacant position here, which reports to the CFO also reports occasionally to the VP of Operations. We can show a dotted-line report between these two by going over to our Shapes Pane and grabbing the dotted-line report. Now just drag it out onto the page and release. You'll see it has a start point and an end point where the arrow appears. So if the direct report is from the vacant position to the VP of Operations, we'll take the start point, which is actually called an end point, but it is the beginning. We'll drag it to either the shape itself or to an actual connection point. If you wanted to stay glued to the lower center, you could do that. Let's…
