From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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- When you work with drawings here in Visio 2016, there are going to be certain visual aids that you may or may not want to use, depending on the type of drawing, so another thing we can do with the user interface is adjust our View settings, and that's what we're going to do. Go up to the View tab, give that a click. And from here, you can see certain things are checked off, others are not, but we're going to start over here on the far left-hand side. F5 is the keyboard shortcut to toggle between our current view and something known as Full Screen view, or Presentation Mode. Give this a click, or press F5, you're now in a mode that allows you to view the diagram without anything around it, no rulers, no stensils, and shapes panes, no scroll bars, just the drawing itself, and when you're done viewing it, or presenting it, you can press the Escape key on your keyboard to return to the original view. So that's just something that allows you to really focus in on the end result of which…
